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The Caoining

I'm delighted to announce that I am part of the cast of The Caoining which is being performed as part of the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival at the Ireland Institute from May 13th - 18th at 9 p.m.

What makes a Banshee scream? Is it the warning of knowing when death will come, or 3o mins the painful cry to the ones who kill? Tensions exist in an insular echo-chamber: ‘Patrick’, a closeted, chronically online man, gets entranced and plots to kill his housemate, ‘Banshee’, who has the power to predict death. They share one sleeping bag in the back garden of a house in Swords, Dublin. When Patrick starts a conspiracy to kill her, he seeks advice from an online community of sinister white men. The audience is the impartial observer. This modern fable is a comedy in escalation, a murder play with roots of toxic masculinity. Who is society's true monster: the Banshee, or the sexually confused white man?

Tickets can be bought here

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